In response to the decision by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to delay replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, many people have turned to using a stamp to imprint a portrait of Harriet Tubman over Andrew Jackson on their bills in an act of ‘civil disobedience’.
Did you know that the $2 dollar note is only printed every two to four years? The Fed thinks it's all because of a commonly held misperception regarding the rarity of the $2 dollar bill.....
Vintage World Map, Dollar Bills With Notes and Push Pins Showing Where Visiting Travelers And Their Dollar Bills Came From -- a precursor of sorts to the modern-day niche hobby of currency tracking created by Where's George? (
The newly designed 20th Anniversary stamp celebrates Where's George? ( and the milestone achievement of 20 years of georging of georging which was reached this year!A feat made possible by all of the amazing people in this unique community!The 20th Anniversary stamp made its debut ...
Have you ever wondered where the dollar bills in your pocket have been? Or where will they go after you spend them? One Massachusetts data base consultant decided to find out. Now you can too...